Thoughts, ideas, and experiences of a modern Christian living in a post-modern world.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Well, I don't like to think about that stuff."

I was listening to someone share their faith with an unbeliever the other day on "Way of the Master," and Ray asked this guy if he thought about death. He said, "Well I don't like to think about that stuff because it's kind of a bummer, you know?" I just don't understand people who say that. Death is eminent, obvious, eventual, and inevitable. It is the common denominator of the human race. EVERYONE WILL DIE!! Sorry...... But, seriously, shouldn't we at least ponder it sometime?? I think it would behoove us all to ask ourselves the question, "What if?". "What if what the Bible says is true? For that matter, what if Islam is true? Or Hinduism, or Judaism, or Scientology?" It will be a faith builder, for sure. I've delved in it (very shallowly, admittingly) and it does nothing but drive me back to the truth: Jesus Christ.
Back to the unbeliever - this guy's response is equivalent to saying, "Well, I don't like to think about my test tomorrow, because that's kind of a bummer." I say, think about it, and think about it some more (and study, of course). Another common response to the Christian faith is, "Well, I don't believe in that stuff." That's equivalent to saying, "Well, I don't believe in that mack truck that's coming straight toward me while I walk down the middle line on the interstate." What you believe doesn't matter. It's the truth that matters.