Thoughts, ideas, and experiences of a modern Christian living in a post-modern world.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

More Recycled J.M.

"So many times we ask for what we already have! We pray for the Holy Spirit, and He is already here. Have you ever analyzed your prayers? You pray, 'God, give me more love for so-and-so.' The Bible says the 'love of God is shed abroad in our hearts' (Romans 5:5). You say, 'God, I need more grace.' God says that the grace He has already given you is sufficient (2 Chronicles 12:9). You cry, 'O Lord, I need more strength.' The Bible says you 'can do all things through Christ' who strengthens you (Phil. 4:13). 'O God, guide me,' you say. And He is thinking, 'I'm trying. Why don't you follow?' 'God, I need power,' you cry. In fact, you have had power since the Holy Spirit came upon you (Acts 1:8). When will Christians realize that they have everything?"
-- John MacArthur

Man, I needed this teaching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I should read that book...Thnx for the tip.