Thoughts, ideas, and experiences of a modern Christian living in a post-modern world.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter

For the few of you who dont know yet, Steve Irwin, the famous Crocodile Hunter who risked his life in the midst of crocodiles, snakes, and other creepy critters, died this past weekend. I have to admit, when I heard the news, it didnt surprise me, knowing of his frequent endeavors with man-eating animals. It didnt hit me just what had happened until I watched the news and saw the story of his life in detail. It is a terribly tragic story about a man who risked his life to save animals from inhumane treatment, and gave all he had for the furtherance of science. However, the most tragic thing about this story is that he was sucked into eternity in an instant. I dont want to make any judgments, but I dont know if he was a Christian or not. Nevertheless, he will face God before his holy judgment seat and give an account of himself. You see, we can get so caught up in doing good things in this lifetime, and believe me, what Steve Irwin committed his life to was an admirable thing, but if things like that distract you from pondering Judgment Day and fleeing the wrath to come (Gods wrath), it is all in vain! We all must give an account on Judgment Day of what weve done with our lives. Flirting with stingrays is risky business, and you could be stung, like Mr. Irwin unfortunately did. Sin is exactly the same. If we flirt with sin, we WILL get stung there is no could be about it. If youre flirting with sin, please consider that if you die in your sins, there will be no hope for you on Judgment Day when God sees you as a sinner. Take a look at Gods 10 Commandments and see if youve broken them. Believe me, you have. There is none that do good, no, not one. Your punishment for being a Lawbreaker is called Hell. Please, heed this warning and repent and put your trust in Jesus and you will be saved.

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