Thoughts, ideas, and experiences of a modern Christian living in a post-modern world.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Some more witnessing...

Eliot says:

云中鹤 just sent you a Nudge!

Eliot says:
what was that???!!!
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
were you born in China?
云中鹤 says:
云中鹤 says:
are you in east of usa or west of usa
Eliot says:
sorry. my computer locked up.
Eliot says:
southeast. alabama.
Eliot says:
hey, do you want to take my survey?
云中鹤 says:
take my survy
云中鹤 says:
what does it mean
Eliot says:
oh, it means I've got a question for you. okay??
云中鹤 says:
o i was born in china
Eliot says:
What is your opinion on what happens to someone after they die?
Eliot says:
are you there?
云中鹤 says:
they will disappear from the universe
Eliot says:
why do you think that?
Eliot says:
云中鹤 says:
云中鹤 says:
i am thinking how to say
云中鹤 says:
man is a animal
Eliot says:
so, we have no soul? no heaven or hell?
云中鹤 says:
What is your opinion on what happens to animals after they die?
are you there?

云中鹤 says:
i think so
云中鹤 says:
no soul
Eliot says:
you don't believe in heaven?
云中鹤 says:
how do you think
云中鹤 says:
sometimes i believe
Eliot says:
ok. how will you get to heaven?
云中鹤 says:
hah be a better man
Eliot says:
so, do you consider yourself a good person?
云中鹤 says:
are you a student
云中鹤 says:
not a bad man
Eliot says:
yes, are you a good person?
Eliot says:
云中鹤 says:
have you married
Eliot says:
can I ask you a few things to see if that's true?
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
Eliot says:
have you ever told a lie?
云中鹤 says:
of course
Eliot says:
ok. so, what does that make you, if you've told a lie?
云中鹤 says:
all of people tell lies
Eliot says:
I agree, but what does that make you?
云中鹤 says:
if it hurt somebody i fell sorry
云中鹤 says:
you looks like a priest
Eliot says:
ok. you should feel bad if you've lied, right? b/c it's the wrong thing to do. ok, let's move on. have you ever stolen something?
云中鹤 says:
yeah when i am young
Eliot says:
so what does that make you if you've stolen?
云中鹤 says:
fell sorry
云中鹤 says:
why do you ask these questions
云中鹤 says:
you look like a priest
Eliot says:
but, what are you called if you've stolen? If you've lied, you're called a liar. If you've stolen, you're called a ...
云中鹤 says:
anyone wil make mistake
云中鹤 says:
include god
Eliot says:
I agree with you. But, please answer the question. I will tell you in a minute why I'm doing this.
Eliot says:
How about this one: Jesus said that to look at another woman with lust, you've already committed adultery with her in your heart. Have you ever looked with lust? This one got me.
云中鹤 says:
i just can let god forgive me
Eliot says:
so, you've lusted before?
Eliot says:
are you there?
云中鹤 says:
云中鹤 says:
lust i am thinking what dose this word mean
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
oh, I'm sorry. It means, have you ever had an impure sexual thought about another person besides your wife?
云中鹤 says:
o i have not married
云中鹤 says:
have you married
Eliot says:
I've just asked you a few of the 10 commandments, and you've admitted to breaking them. You've admitted to lying, stealing, and adultery in the heart. You have to face God on Judgment Day. If he judges you by the 10 commandments, how will you turn out? Guilty or innocent?
云中鹤 says:
i think if married you should not do like that
Eliot says:
Read my last comment.
云中鹤 says:
innocent if the mistake is not big
Eliot says:
How would you be innocent? You've already admitted to breaking His Laws. You've lied, stolen, and committed adultery of the heart. He will not see you as innocent, will He?
云中鹤 says:
this is a hard question
Eliot says:
I know, it's hard. But, be honest before God and answer it.
云中鹤 says:
u looks like a philosopher
Eliot says:
Please answer the question... it's very important for you.
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
take your time.
Eliot says:
It's not hard, though. You've broken God's Law, so He'll find you guilty, right?
Eliot says:
Let's go through a couple more: have you ever taken God's name in vain?
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
云中鹤 says:
if you fell sorry with the mistakes and the mistakes is not very big ,god can let you be inocent
云中鹤 says:
in china we seldom say god
云中鹤 says:
are you married
Eliot says:
yeah, but try that in a court of law. The judge won't let you go, will He? If you've broken the law, he can't let you go if he's a good judge. God is the Almighty Judge, and He will not let you go free if you've broken His Laws. He will find you guilty on Judgment Day, for the things you've already admitted to doing.
云中鹤 says:
is there nba games in your state
Eliot says:
He has given you a conscience, and you know when you do wrong. Please, let's not talk about nba right now. This is very important.
Eliot says:
If God finds you guilty, He must sentence you to His prison, which is hell. I don't want you to go there, and neither does God.
云中鹤 says:
i think god will not do like that
Eliot says:
Hell is a terrible place. It is a place where "the worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched." It is in the Bible, I'm warning you that it will happen if you don't repent.
云中鹤 says:
that will no person who can go to heaven
Eliot says:
Do you know what God did for you, so you wouldn't have to go to hell for eternity? It's a very loving thing. Do you know?
云中鹤 says:
i fell like you are very afaid of death
云中鹤 says:
any questions
Eliot says:
Do you know what God did for you so you wouldn't have to go to hell?
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
Tell me what God did for you.
云中鹤 says:
he think i am not a bad man ,and he let me go to the heaven
Eliot says:
You're not a good person, you're just like everyone else, and God will punish you on Judgment day for breaking His law. The Bible says, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
Eliot says:
It is dangerous to play around like this. Please be honest with yourself and admit your guilt. God commands all men everywhere to repent.
云中鹤 says:
i accept the punishment
Eliot says:
Believe me, you don't want the punishment. It is hell for eternity. It is called the Lake of Fire in the Bible.
Eliot says:
God doesn't want you to go to hell. Do you have any questions?
云中鹤 says:
so terrble
Eliot says:
I know. Does that concern you?
云中鹤 says:
god is a good man
Eliot says:
He is good, that's why He must punish all sin. The Bible says, "the soul that sins will surely die."
云中鹤 says:
we do not know what the law is when you died
云中鹤 says:
let's talk something else
云中鹤 says:
that is too hard
云中鹤 says:
you have not tell me why you ask these questions
Eliot says:
you know the Law now. It has been presented to you. Plus, God has "written His law on your heart." You know that you've broken it. It is very important. Do you have any questions? God did something for you so you wouldn't have to go to hell, and I would like to share it with you. Do you want to know?
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
云中鹤 says:
you make me tired
云中鹤 says:
in when people will die he will ask these questions
Eliot says:
prison break?
云中鹤 says:
云中鹤 says:
have not you seen
云中鹤 says:
you only can speak english?
云中鹤 says:
are u there
Eliot says:
No, look... I don't want you to go to hell, but we've established that. I'm not sure if you're concerned enough to hear the gospel, so you can email me if you have a question. Please consider your eternal destiny. God will punish you if you don't have Jesus Christ on Judgment Day. He made himself into the form of a man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and came to earth 2000 years ago. He took your
Eliot says:
punishment for your sins when he died on the cross for you, so you wouldn't have to go to hell.
Eliot says:
Now, repent of your sinful ways, stop breaking the law, and trust in Jesus for your eternal life. Then, get a bible and start reading it, and obey it. Thanks for listening.

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