Thoughts, ideas, and experiences of a modern Christian living in a post-modern world.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Another one. This one got cut off, but it picks up right after I've given him some Law.

what does that mean?
you are a Christian arent u
yes, I'm looking at the verse and wondering what it has to do with this.
nvm on that. maybe we're on different wave lengths
ok i guess you want me to answer guilty
ok guilty as can be
I don't want you to "play into my little game", I'm just asking you a question that you will be faced with on Judgment day. God is a just and holy God, and He will judge you on that day. So, if you're guilty, where will you go? heaven or hell?
aren't you concerned about that?
i might be
what do you suggest
I would be, that is very serious. God has done something for you, so you wouldn't have to go.
if i'm going to hell, i'm going down with 20 other billion people
I agree with you, that alot of people will go
what has God done ?
something for me?

the Bible actually says that "none are righteous, no, not one"
which verse
pls quote
yes, something for you. If you are worried about going to hell, I can tell you
Romans 3:10
let me check
Johnny, the Law has convinced you of your sin, right? God says to humble yourself under his mighty hand.
Do you want to know what God did for you, so you wouldn't have to go to hell?
he sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ
to die for our sins..
etc etc
yes ?
exactly. Do you know what you must do to receive this free gift?
and this is where john 10 : 25 comes in ?
it's where a lot of verses come in. The bible says you must do some things in order to receive this gift of salvation, you can't just "know" about it.
of course
Jesus said, that "unless a man repents, he will perish."
do you know what repent means?
but i have many christian peers around, who are not showing good examples themselves
yet they preach the word everyday
and it can be very pressurising for a non christian
yes i know what repent means
but then i think of repentence, i think of the other christians around who are youth leaders etc ..
who are commiting even more sins
Jesus warns against false converts, but nevertheless, He said that "I am the way, the truth, the life. No man comes to the Father but by me."
why ?
Don't focus on them right now. Focus on you and your sins. God will deal with them soon enough.
how will God deal with them?
"Vengeance is mine, says the Lord."
hypocrites are the worst
you are right, and actually, the bible says the same thing.
so, what about you, Johnny?
what will you do with this information?
what will you do with Jesus?
Well Eliot, I'm more or less a confused person !
what are you confused about?
because no one really has shown me or immitate the live of Jesus Christ
that's unfortunate. it really is. I'm blessed to be around some who do exemplify Christ.
100 % ?
But, even though it's very unfortunate, you still have to answer for your sins on judgment day. Christians aren't perfect, they sin, but they don't DIVE INTO SIN. They fall, then they get back up.
I'm amazed. maybe one day if i come to america, you can show me. even the great mahatma gandhi said he knows no one like jesus christ
Well, there IS NO ONE like Christ. He was God incarnate. We are called to be like him, but we fall short.
Nevertheless, Johnny, the bottom line is, you need forgiveness, or none of this will matter when God judges you.
one of the reasons why i left church was because of many unanswered questions
even the pastors couldnt answer
It will not matter that some people were hypocrites. God will know that you have heard His gospel. do you want to ask me?
dont ask me what were the questions
WHAT WERE THE QUESTIONS??? I would love to help.
Johnny, would you sell your eyes for a million dollars?
well elliot i would love to ask u. but i think i should not ! you're not the first who's asking me. many christian ppl have approached and tried to convince me to go back to church..i see their good intentions, but at the end of the day it all goes back to square 1
so i rather sit home, and read the bible on my own
and find answers
no, i wouldnt sell it
why do you ask
i'll reserve my questions for God when i die
well, actually, I'm not concerned with you going to church. I want you to be SAVED!! And, I think it's great that you're looking in the bible. It is FULL of truth. When you die, it will be too late. How about 50 million?
50 million dollars?
if I were to sell my eyes for 50 mil, yeah it would help me take care of my parents, and maybe make the lives of 100s of orphans way better
but at the end of the day, i cant see
so to sell or not to sell
you tell me, elliot
right, of course you wouldn't do it. They're your eyes, man!! and your eyes are the windows to your soul. Your soul is worth so much more. You don't want to risk your eternal soul on some people who are hypocrites, do you?
haha, good one
You must repent, Johnny, and trust in Jesus as your Savior. He has paid your fine, the fine YOU OWE. You must turn from your sin and put your faith in Him, like you would trust a parachute if you were jumping out of a plane.
Then, read the bible and answer some of your questions. Let God save you first. He wants to.
elliot thanks for being thoughtful. but i dont think by one person telling me this, it will make me wake up tomorrow morning and making a 360 degree change in my life
it will probably take some time
to realise it
and to make changes
and to finally read the 'innocent' status one day
i know you are going to tell me , ' but it might be too late '
well, I won't make that change, the Holy Spirit will make it within you. You will never be "innocent", never.
ie ' you never know when you are goin to die. a car might hit you tmw, a storm, a tornado whatnot'
ok great
Christians are not better than anyone else, they're just "better off."
so how long have you been a christian
Johnny, I've got to go. I've told you everything you must know to be saved. if you want to talk some more. Thanks for listening, and please consider these things. God Bless
so there wasnt really a survey
lets definitely keep in touch. my email
sorry if I mislead you. You did
take a survey, the lying stealing thing.
Keep in touch. Bye
what is your id
in hc
your nickname in hospitalityclub
I don't know what that is.
ok sorry
i think we logged in in diff servers
I've got your email. Please consider these things. God Bless
god bless you too elliot !
have a great day
thanks for the chat


Jacob said...

Eliot - you're such a tool. People like you is the reason cults exist.

Eliot Murray said...

Thanks for the comment. My blogs are open to everyone! I hope you consider these things. God Bless.