Thoughts, ideas, and experiences of a modern Christian living in a post-modern world.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
what's up?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
well nothign much
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
how are u?
Eliot says:
where you from? I'm good.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
ok cool
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
how old are u?
Eliot says:
24. you?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
im 21
Eliot says:
cool. hey, can I ask you a question?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
sure go ahead
Eliot says:
do you have any opinion on what happens after people die? I'm very curious...
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
ehhh dificult.... i believe there is more after you die.... but i also think that in a way youve gotto deserve it
Eliot says:
ok. cool. like more of what?? deserve what?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
`don;'t know what...... but it can't be just over i guess..... and i mean by deserve,,,,, i can't believe that a man like adolf hitler is now relaxing in heaven or something
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i believe in heaven and hell
Eliot says:
ok. cool. I think we got cut off. So, you believe in divine justice, that Hitler is rotting somewhere?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i hope he is
Eliot says:
so, are you a good person?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i try to be
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i am no angel
Eliot says:
you wanna try a quick test to see if you're good?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
hahaha sure bring it on
Eliot says:
have you ever told a lie?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
Eliot says:
what does that make you, if you've told a lie?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i feel guilty
Eliot says:
you should be!! you admitted to lying! ok. what about...
Eliot says:
have you ever stolen something?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
ok. what does that make you, if you've stolen something?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
the same
Eliot says:
more specifically, though. what would you call me if I stole something?
Eliot says:
you there?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
a thief
Eliot says:
ok. 2 more questions, okay? have you ever taken God's name in vain?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
sure but i doint beleive in god
Eliot says:
ok, thank you for your honesty. That's called blasphemy, and it's very serious in God's eyes. one more question, and I'll stop, okay? Jesus said that to look upon a woman with lust, you've committed adultery with her in your heart. Have you ever looked with lust?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
hey i don't care what jesus says
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
so i don't have to answer
Eliot says:
ok. fair enough. but even if you don't care what He says, he still said it. So, Marcel, you've just told me that you're a lying, thieving, blasphemous person and you have to stand before God on Judgement Day, and we've only looked at 4 of the 10 commandments. How will He judge you on that day if He judges by this standard?
Eliot says:
innocent or guilty?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
ther is no HE ,,,,,, i try to live as good as i can and i try to learn from my faults
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
so time will tell
Eliot says:
well, the Bible says that you will face God. Don't you want to be sure of your salvation, and not leave it up to "time will tell?"
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
no i don't want to
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
carpe diem
Eliot says:
okay, IF God judged you... IF He did, how would you turn out? innocent or guilty?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
both.,..... i did bad things , but i learned from my falts,..... and i know (im katholic ) you can always ask forgiveness
Eliot says:
Right, but if a murderer came before a judge and told the judge,"I'm a murderer, but I've done other good things", then the judge wouldn't just let him go, would he?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
that's a strange example
Eliot says:
Eliot says:
you've broken God's Laws, so if He is a Just and Good God, then he has to punish sin, doesn't he? I mean, He can't just let murderers go, can he?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
hey im sorry but i don't believe in him.... so there is no point
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i believe in the goodness of people
Eliot says:
remember, I said IF.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
bad people are sick.... but everyone is born good
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
that's what i think
Eliot says:
so, have you always done good?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
you know the anwer
Eliot says:
and, what makes a person turn into bad if he's born good?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
the society
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
and the law
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
but that's bullshit
Eliot says:
ok. you say the law makes a person bad. That sort of what God says: "Knowledge of sin comes from the Law." Your conscience "bears witness" that you know if you've done wrong or not.
Eliot says:
so, your conscience is now telling you that yes, you have broken God's Law. So, IF He judges you by those commandments, will you be innocent or guilty?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
but you've just admitted to breaking His laws. You've already told me you have. That means you'll be guilty. God will have to punish you. So where will you go? Heaven or hell?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
heaven, because i learned from my faults
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
if you wanna do good, you need to know what's wrong
Eliot says:
We've already established that you've ALREADY BROKEN the laws. A judge has to punish law-breakers no matter if they've "learned from their faults" or not, right?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
yeah but HE is no judge
Eliot says:
"God has appointed a day in which he will JUDGE the world in righteousness."
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
taht's hat you think
Eliot says:
So, how will you turn out on that day? Aren't you concerned that you've broken Almighty God's laws?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
that's an opinion
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
no i don't care that ive broken the laws of somebody who doesnt excist
Eliot says:
Yeah, but doesn't it make sense to you? You admitted when we first started talking that you believe in divine justice... that murderers have to be punished somewhere, like Hitler.
Eliot says:
Look, how do you know there's a painter when you look at a painting?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
B'c it exists. The painting didn't just happen. Someone painted it.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
How do you know there is a Creator? B/c of creation. God has given us creation to
Eliot says:
prove His existence.
Eliot says:
How else can you explain how we got this earth?
Eliot says:
And please don't say evolution.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
well there is a good scientific explination called..... evo......
Eliot says:
come on...
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
sooo you believe the human isnt evaluated from a monkey?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
no, I don't. Look, we could go around in circles with this one. I'll ask you this... if evolution is true, where did the monkeys come from? You can't have something from nothing>
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
hey tgis is a interesting discusion.... and i want to finish it another time.... but right now it's 3.15 AM and i have to get up early
Eliot says:
fair enough. please consider the claims of the bible. thanks for talking. God bless.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
yeah god bless
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
good night


Jacob said...

Hi there!

Ummm, just a quick suggestion. I like your blog and the eVangelising thing is quite funny (in a messed up, holier-than-thou sort of way) but the actual dialogue is very difficult to read. I know it's time consuming, but it might help to somehow distinguish the names from the actual conversation.

Other than that, I don't exactly like your standard of judging people. And just to pre-empt your next words, YES you are judging people by pointing out their faults and telling them they'll burn in hell for not believing what you believe. With that out of the way, I'm just a little confused about why you limit your god's creteria for judgement to the Ten Commandments. There are so many other laws of the Bible, and they are all considered equal in the eyes of your god. Please explain, or whatever.

Eliot Murray said...

Thanks for the reply. As for the jumbled words, I know what you mean. I just don't wanna take the time to do it, honestly. You're right, it would be time consuming. As for the witnessing itself, I'm not judging anyone. As you can go back and see, I ASK people if they have done these things, and when they inevitably say yes, I merely repeat it back to them. I don't "point out their faults," I ASK them if they've ever faulted. Then, I warn them of God's Judgment to come. By no means am I judging anyone. Also, I'm not telling anyone they'll "burn in hell for not believing what I believe". I'm warning them that if they've broken God's Laws, He will punish them for it, it has nothing to do with what "they believe". God's Law is the standard by which He has us to live. Thanks for the comment.

Jacob said...

God's Law is the standard by which He has us to live.

Exodus 22:20
"whoever sacrifices to any god, other than the Lord alone, shall be devoted to destruction.

How many non-Christians have you committed to destruction?

Eliot Murray said...

Thanks for the comment. Could you please clarify? I'm not sure I quite understand what you meant. Good verse. That verse is right after The Ten Commandments, in Exodus 20. How many have you kept? I know I haven't kept them. God Bless.