Thoughts, ideas, and experiences of a modern Christian living in a post-modern world.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter

For the few of you who dont know yet, Steve Irwin, the famous Crocodile Hunter who risked his life in the midst of crocodiles, snakes, and other creepy critters, died this past weekend. I have to admit, when I heard the news, it didnt surprise me, knowing of his frequent endeavors with man-eating animals. It didnt hit me just what had happened until I watched the news and saw the story of his life in detail. It is a terribly tragic story about a man who risked his life to save animals from inhumane treatment, and gave all he had for the furtherance of science. However, the most tragic thing about this story is that he was sucked into eternity in an instant. I dont want to make any judgments, but I dont know if he was a Christian or not. Nevertheless, he will face God before his holy judgment seat and give an account of himself. You see, we can get so caught up in doing good things in this lifetime, and believe me, what Steve Irwin committed his life to was an admirable thing, but if things like that distract you from pondering Judgment Day and fleeing the wrath to come (Gods wrath), it is all in vain! We all must give an account on Judgment Day of what weve done with our lives. Flirting with stingrays is risky business, and you could be stung, like Mr. Irwin unfortunately did. Sin is exactly the same. If we flirt with sin, we WILL get stung there is no could be about it. If youre flirting with sin, please consider that if you die in your sins, there will be no hope for you on Judgment Day when God sees you as a sinner. Take a look at Gods 10 Commandments and see if youve broken them. Believe me, you have. There is none that do good, no, not one. Your punishment for being a Lawbreaker is called Hell. Please, heed this warning and repent and put your trust in Jesus and you will be saved.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Warning

Did you know that the US dropped millions of little leaflets on Hiroshima and Nagasaki before they dropped the A-bombs? The leaflets warned the citizens of these cities of impending doom and destruction and that they needed to evacuate or surrender before the bombs would be dropped. Just like the leaflets, God has warned us in the pages of the Bible that a Day of Wrath will come that will make those A-bombs look like little firecrackers. It will be the worst thing the world has ever seen, and it's b/c we have rebelled against Him. It will be a great day for followers of Christ, but it will be a terrible day for unbelievers. It will be so terrorizing that "men's hearts will fail them" for fear and they will say "to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb". If you've sinned, you need to get right with God NOW. Take a look at the 10 commandments: have you lied? stolen? lusted (and therefore committed adultery)? have you used God's name in vain? That's called blasphemy, and God "will not hold him guiltless who takes the Lord's name in vain." Jesus suffered for those sins that we've committed. We broke the Law, and He paid the fine. All you need to do is repent (confess and FORSAKE your sins) and trust Jesus with your life. If you don't take hold of this wonderful gift, He will come in "flaming fire, taking vengeance on those who don't know Him, and on those who don't obey the gospel."

Saturday, July 15, 2006

something I thought I'd jot down

The Bible tells us that salvation is by grace through faith, and we hear it all the time, right?? We can't work our way to heaven. God is not impressed. I love the story I heard Adrian Rogers tell about a poor woman who set out to buy some food for her starving family. I don't know the whole story, but the woman ended up at a rich person's property where there was an abundance of grapes. She wanted the grapes and asked about them. The wealthy man said, "You can have them as a gift. Take them to your family, as many as you want." The woman couldn't just take them... she wanted to pay the man for the grapes. The man said, "Well, if you must pay for them, you can't have them, for they are too expensive for you to buy. You will never be able to afford those grapes. But, I would like to give them to you for free." That, my friend, is the Kingdom of God. God offers us the grapes of salvation, but we can never pay him for it. We must take it as a gift, which takes humility and repentance.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Another one. This one got cut off, but it picks up right after I've given him some Law.

what does that mean?
you are a Christian arent u
yes, I'm looking at the verse and wondering what it has to do with this.
nvm on that. maybe we're on different wave lengths
ok i guess you want me to answer guilty
ok guilty as can be
I don't want you to "play into my little game", I'm just asking you a question that you will be faced with on Judgment day. God is a just and holy God, and He will judge you on that day. So, if you're guilty, where will you go? heaven or hell?
aren't you concerned about that?
i might be
what do you suggest
I would be, that is very serious. God has done something for you, so you wouldn't have to go.
if i'm going to hell, i'm going down with 20 other billion people
I agree with you, that alot of people will go
what has God done ?
something for me?

the Bible actually says that "none are righteous, no, not one"
which verse
pls quote
yes, something for you. If you are worried about going to hell, I can tell you
Romans 3:10
let me check
Johnny, the Law has convinced you of your sin, right? God says to humble yourself under his mighty hand.
Do you want to know what God did for you, so you wouldn't have to go to hell?
he sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ
to die for our sins..
etc etc
yes ?
exactly. Do you know what you must do to receive this free gift?
and this is where john 10 : 25 comes in ?
it's where a lot of verses come in. The bible says you must do some things in order to receive this gift of salvation, you can't just "know" about it.
of course
Jesus said, that "unless a man repents, he will perish."
do you know what repent means?
but i have many christian peers around, who are not showing good examples themselves
yet they preach the word everyday
and it can be very pressurising for a non christian
yes i know what repent means
but then i think of repentence, i think of the other christians around who are youth leaders etc ..
who are commiting even more sins
Jesus warns against false converts, but nevertheless, He said that "I am the way, the truth, the life. No man comes to the Father but by me."
why ?
Don't focus on them right now. Focus on you and your sins. God will deal with them soon enough.
how will God deal with them?
"Vengeance is mine, says the Lord."
hypocrites are the worst
you are right, and actually, the bible says the same thing.
so, what about you, Johnny?
what will you do with this information?
what will you do with Jesus?
Well Eliot, I'm more or less a confused person !
what are you confused about?
because no one really has shown me or immitate the live of Jesus Christ
that's unfortunate. it really is. I'm blessed to be around some who do exemplify Christ.
100 % ?
But, even though it's very unfortunate, you still have to answer for your sins on judgment day. Christians aren't perfect, they sin, but they don't DIVE INTO SIN. They fall, then they get back up.
I'm amazed. maybe one day if i come to america, you can show me. even the great mahatma gandhi said he knows no one like jesus christ
Well, there IS NO ONE like Christ. He was God incarnate. We are called to be like him, but we fall short.
Nevertheless, Johnny, the bottom line is, you need forgiveness, or none of this will matter when God judges you.
one of the reasons why i left church was because of many unanswered questions
even the pastors couldnt answer
It will not matter that some people were hypocrites. God will know that you have heard His gospel. do you want to ask me?
dont ask me what were the questions
WHAT WERE THE QUESTIONS??? I would love to help.
Johnny, would you sell your eyes for a million dollars?
well elliot i would love to ask u. but i think i should not ! you're not the first who's asking me. many christian ppl have approached and tried to convince me to go back to church..i see their good intentions, but at the end of the day it all goes back to square 1
so i rather sit home, and read the bible on my own
and find answers
no, i wouldnt sell it
why do you ask
i'll reserve my questions for God when i die
well, actually, I'm not concerned with you going to church. I want you to be SAVED!! And, I think it's great that you're looking in the bible. It is FULL of truth. When you die, it will be too late. How about 50 million?
50 million dollars?
if I were to sell my eyes for 50 mil, yeah it would help me take care of my parents, and maybe make the lives of 100s of orphans way better
but at the end of the day, i cant see
so to sell or not to sell
you tell me, elliot
right, of course you wouldn't do it. They're your eyes, man!! and your eyes are the windows to your soul. Your soul is worth so much more. You don't want to risk your eternal soul on some people who are hypocrites, do you?
haha, good one
You must repent, Johnny, and trust in Jesus as your Savior. He has paid your fine, the fine YOU OWE. You must turn from your sin and put your faith in Him, like you would trust a parachute if you were jumping out of a plane.
Then, read the bible and answer some of your questions. Let God save you first. He wants to.
elliot thanks for being thoughtful. but i dont think by one person telling me this, it will make me wake up tomorrow morning and making a 360 degree change in my life
it will probably take some time
to realise it
and to make changes
and to finally read the 'innocent' status one day
i know you are going to tell me , ' but it might be too late '
well, I won't make that change, the Holy Spirit will make it within you. You will never be "innocent", never.
ie ' you never know when you are goin to die. a car might hit you tmw, a storm, a tornado whatnot'
ok great
Christians are not better than anyone else, they're just "better off."
so how long have you been a christian
Johnny, I've got to go. I've told you everything you must know to be saved. if you want to talk some more. Thanks for listening, and please consider these things. God Bless
so there wasnt really a survey
lets definitely keep in touch. my email
sorry if I mislead you. You did
take a survey, the lying stealing thing.
Keep in touch. Bye
what is your id
in hc
your nickname in hospitalityclub
I don't know what that is.
ok sorry
i think we logged in in diff servers
I've got your email. Please consider these things. God Bless
god bless you too elliot !
have a great day
thanks for the chat

Saturday, June 24, 2006


This was a pretty in-depth witnessing encounter I had with an "intellectual" I met on a chat room. I started off in the main room, just asking questions about spirituality and God, hoping to spur something. I caught the attention of this guy, who was surprisingly patient with what I had to say. Others would curse me into oblivion when I would mention anything about sin or judgment, but this guy would actually DEFEND ME, telling them to back off. Anyway, after giving him the Law and getting nowhere with him, he made a comment about how all Biblical prophecies are open-ended, and were made so that they could be fulfilled at any time, therefore "hedging the bets." I begged to differ, and told him that there were time-specific prophecies that were fulfilled, but that he probably wouldn't be interested, b/c he would have a presupposition to them, and discard them according to his underlying sinful agenda (most people will ignore prophecies, b/c if they paid attention to them, it would mean changing their life and their sinful ways), but not in those words (we need to be gentle when witnessing). To my utter surprise, he seemed VERY interested, so I took the time to look up the 70 sevens prophecy in Daniel. Then, I invited him to a private room, hoping to facilitate some humility. Here's where we pick up:

You are now talking with Humboldt
Humboldt, God says in the Bible that He "has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and the weak things of this world to overcome the strong." That is why people read stories like Noah's Ark and scoff at it. So, which leads us to this prophecy. God has chosen to give it to us in this form, in order that the scoffers actually have to humble themselves and trust in the word of God.
If you will humble yourself under God, this prophecy will knock you flat.
You there?
Daniel 9:24-27.
If you know a little history of that time period, it will shed light on the verses. But, I'll leave that to you. Just remember that God's Law is perfect, and you've broken it. Please humble yourself tonight.
Heh ... fraid not, eli. But alright .... now, in my last study of this passage, I found dozens upon dozens of valid interpretations.
I couldn't narrow them down, and they just kept on coming.
What do you believe the "sevens" are?
I'm sorry you feel that way. Read any commentary on the pasage and you'll find out. It takes humility, though, and God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. The sevens are weeks of years.
I'm saying that there are dozens of different commentaries.
Who do I choose?
are you saying that, or have you actuall yread them?
I've not read all of them, no.
I had to give up after about 6 or 7.
I couldn't pick a single one.
okay. well, I've personally not seen 6 or 7 different interpretations of that passage, but that's just one prophecy out of hundreds. The evidence convinced me.
Now, have you confirmed that Jesus birth was 62 weeks after that passage was written?
I assume that's what you mean by 62 "sevens".

No, the annointing of Messiah, which is in those verses.
Jesus' triumphal entry.
I find it hard to believe Daniel was written only a year and a quarter before any time Jesus was alive.
huh? It was written hundreds of years before Jesus was alive.
Then, 62 "sevens" until what?
It certainly can't be referring to any Messiac foretelling if a "seven" is a week.
after the 62 weeks, messiah shall be cut off (killed)
I said weeks of years. They are years.
Then 62 years times 7?
that would lead right up to the time of Christ
Okay ..... now, when you say "after the 62 weeks, messiah shall be cut off", do you mean 434 years until he's cut off? Or 62 weeks from some point in time *until* being cut off?
434 years.
Okay .... now, that's quite thin to me. The Hebrew "seven" is a round number in their numerical system, much like our "ten". There's a lot of things it could be referring to .... doesn't seem too convincing to me.
from the "going forth of the command to restore and build..."
that's the time frame.
verse 25.
Hold on ..... from then until what, what?
from the "going forth... until Messiah the Prince..."
And this is 434 years?
the 62 times 7 is 434. and additional seven times7 is 49 years. That totals 483 yers.
1) 7 weeks or 49 years, in rebuilding of the "street and wall"
2) 62 weeks or 434 more years, to the first advent of the Messiah.
I'm afraid I don't see myself being too convinced here. It's not hard for me to read a passage like this, realize that it's 434 years past the time specified in the bible, and live my life like I'm the Messiah.
ok, how could you control where you're born?
Where and when, I can't.
there were explicit prophecies controlling that.
God made these prophecies to be impossible for human duplication. He wanted His Messiah to be unmistaken.
I'm just saying, there's sooo many angles to cover, that in order for one conclusion to be drawn and no other, would be an awfully erratic rationalization.
If science did this, we'd be in deep poo.

woah, let's not start jumping around here... what are you thinking about the prophecy about his birth? are you familiar with that one?
If the government did this ...... well, nevermind, because it already does this. =) And look at us.
Are you referring to the virgin birth prophecy?
no, the one foretelling his birth place.
you know the one?
The interesting thing is that when you put the virgin birth of the Old Testament in context, it's not a prophecy at all. =) It's for someone else, not the Messiah.

let's address that in a minute. are you fam. with the other one?
Yes. Which book is that?
I think it's Hosea, but I'm probably wrong.

Micah 5:2.
proph. fulfillment is in Matthew 2:1.
I'd say that like any prophecy in the bible, anything is very very possible.
what do you mean, anything?
He could be the Messiah, the Catholic Church could have manipulated yet another verse ..... could just be coincidence, could be a lot of things.
that's a very valid concern. one that I had...
I could say the same for the Quran's prophecies.
If you'll notice, the foretellings of the Quran are pretty on the dot themselves. =)

Actually, no you couldn't. I politely challenge you to do that.
Well, to be fair, I guess I'll do that....hang on.
I've got all night. My wife's out of town, and this is very important to me.
(and to you, though you don't know it)
The Qur'an says: "The Roman Empire has been defeated in a land close by; but they, even after this defeat, will gain victory in a few years. Allah's is the command, in the past and in the future. On that day shall the believers rejoice, with the help of Allah, He helps whom He wills. And He is the mighty and the most Merciful. It is the promise of Allah. Allah never departs from His promise: but most men understand not. They crave for the outer
That's Surah 30:1-7
Now, The Eastern Roman (i.e. Byzantine) Empire suffered a massive defeat at the hands of the Persians who captured Jerusalem in 614....
After that Egypt and Syria fell, and Constantinople was laid siege to
to a "land close by", by Surah's standards.
when was this prophecy written?
Err hang on...
Doesn't say.....actually, it doesn't matter. The passage is intended for a future coming.
Roman Empire gets defeated in a land close by, and then something happens in a few years which brings them to an inevitable defeat.
Anyway .... this actually does happen, word for word, even in the specified places.
It signaled to the Arabs the success of idolatry over the followers of revelation.
hang on...
Oh .... brings them to an inevitable victory** .... I meant to say. Not defeat.
Anyway .... it's nothing to really lay an egg over though .... it's not hard for a prophecy like this to be validated, no matter how exact it appears.
I vaguely remember something about how the prophecies were re-written, but I can't find it.
Well, I need to research that.
Oh lol .... well the same's been said for the bible and the Quran.
I found it...
But all I'm saying, back to the main point, is that so-called prophecies of any book hold a very relative magnitude. It's possible for anything to happen, even in specification, so long as the time is not specified.
And the Quran is very clever here .... it specifies a time *frame*, but not the exact *time*. Makes it very easily possible.
but, we just looked at a specific time from the bible prophecy.
The most serious problem may be that the statements in Sura 30 may merely be history, and not a prediction, because Mohammed was alive and still producing Koranic verses for several years after the time of the suggested Roman victory in history.
I'm afraid we didn't .... all we see is "sevens" .... sevens of what? Well, sevens of just about anything. The bible's clever too.
Ahhh .... no. This is roughly 500-600 years later.
We know this is the case, because Mohammed died in 632 A.D. at the age of 63. According to Al-Baizawi's commentary, the Byzantine Romans were evidently victorious over Persia in 628 A.D., and so, Mohammed was alive for four years after that victory ---therefore, Mohammed could easily have learned of the victory and then have dictated these verses of Sura 30. This would make Sura 30 history, not a prediction.
But it's comfy to assume seven "sevens of years".
look up above
Oh .... yes, he died in 632 A.D., that's very true.
It is a very safe bet that in "a few" years the Romans would be "victorious" in battle to some degree, since they were fighting various battles during every year. A victory would seem virtually 100% sure to happen within the space of nine years.
So, the problem is: the Sura 30 prediction is fairly vague and unspecific; it is much like saying that the British soccer team will win a game in "a few" years
How about a little change... the Old Test. says to circumcise babies on the 8th day, but not until recently has science found that blod clotting hormones are at their peak on the 8th day.
Heh .... I think that is very very very much a coincidence, because not more than a century ago this wasn't the case.
what do you mean?
Hang on.
Playing Google tag...
I'm staying put.
Harumph.....can't find it on Google. Can you show me a reference saying that blood clotting hormones are at their peak on the 8th day, and what relevance this has? Honestly....I don't see what these hormones have to do with foreskin.
Well, obviously that area of the male body is very concentrated with blood. Any skin penetrating operation would cause blood loss, so God provided a way to counteract that.
The glans, yes, but not the foreskin.
Well, in a perfect world, I'd see that as valid, but
I have to go. =(
My mother's finished with dinner.
remember, we're talking thousands of years ago, when man's tools were not precise, and coudl be messy
please consider what I said.
Thanks ..... alright, have a good one.
Humboldt has quit (Client exited)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
what's up?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
well nothign much
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
how are u?
Eliot says:
where you from? I'm good.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
ok cool
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
how old are u?
Eliot says:
24. you?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
im 21
Eliot says:
cool. hey, can I ask you a question?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
sure go ahead
Eliot says:
do you have any opinion on what happens after people die? I'm very curious...
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
ehhh dificult.... i believe there is more after you die.... but i also think that in a way youve gotto deserve it
Eliot says:
ok. cool. like more of what?? deserve what?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
`don;'t know what...... but it can't be just over i guess..... and i mean by deserve,,,,, i can't believe that a man like adolf hitler is now relaxing in heaven or something
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i believe in heaven and hell
Eliot says:
ok. cool. I think we got cut off. So, you believe in divine justice, that Hitler is rotting somewhere?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i hope he is
Eliot says:
so, are you a good person?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i try to be
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i am no angel
Eliot says:
you wanna try a quick test to see if you're good?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
hahaha sure bring it on
Eliot says:
have you ever told a lie?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
Eliot says:
what does that make you, if you've told a lie?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i feel guilty
Eliot says:
you should be!! you admitted to lying! ok. what about...
Eliot says:
have you ever stolen something?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
ok. what does that make you, if you've stolen something?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
the same
Eliot says:
more specifically, though. what would you call me if I stole something?
Eliot says:
you there?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
a thief
Eliot says:
ok. 2 more questions, okay? have you ever taken God's name in vain?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
sure but i doint beleive in god
Eliot says:
ok, thank you for your honesty. That's called blasphemy, and it's very serious in God's eyes. one more question, and I'll stop, okay? Jesus said that to look upon a woman with lust, you've committed adultery with her in your heart. Have you ever looked with lust?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
hey i don't care what jesus says
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
so i don't have to answer
Eliot says:
ok. fair enough. but even if you don't care what He says, he still said it. So, Marcel, you've just told me that you're a lying, thieving, blasphemous person and you have to stand before God on Judgement Day, and we've only looked at 4 of the 10 commandments. How will He judge you on that day if He judges by this standard?
Eliot says:
innocent or guilty?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
ther is no HE ,,,,,, i try to live as good as i can and i try to learn from my faults
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
so time will tell
Eliot says:
well, the Bible says that you will face God. Don't you want to be sure of your salvation, and not leave it up to "time will tell?"
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
no i don't want to
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
carpe diem
Eliot says:
okay, IF God judged you... IF He did, how would you turn out? innocent or guilty?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
both.,..... i did bad things , but i learned from my falts,..... and i know (im katholic ) you can always ask forgiveness
Eliot says:
Right, but if a murderer came before a judge and told the judge,"I'm a murderer, but I've done other good things", then the judge wouldn't just let him go, would he?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
that's a strange example
Eliot says:
Eliot says:
you've broken God's Laws, so if He is a Just and Good God, then he has to punish sin, doesn't he? I mean, He can't just let murderers go, can he?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
hey im sorry but i don't believe in him.... so there is no point
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
i believe in the goodness of people
Eliot says:
remember, I said IF.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
bad people are sick.... but everyone is born good
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
that's what i think
Eliot says:
so, have you always done good?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
you know the anwer
Eliot says:
and, what makes a person turn into bad if he's born good?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
the society
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
and the law
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
but that's bullshit
Eliot says:
ok. you say the law makes a person bad. That sort of what God says: "Knowledge of sin comes from the Law." Your conscience "bears witness" that you know if you've done wrong or not.
Eliot says:
so, your conscience is now telling you that yes, you have broken God's Law. So, IF He judges you by those commandments, will you be innocent or guilty?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
but you've just admitted to breaking His laws. You've already told me you have. That means you'll be guilty. God will have to punish you. So where will you go? Heaven or hell?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
heaven, because i learned from my faults
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
if you wanna do good, you need to know what's wrong
Eliot says:
We've already established that you've ALREADY BROKEN the laws. A judge has to punish law-breakers no matter if they've "learned from their faults" or not, right?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
yeah but HE is no judge
Eliot says:
"God has appointed a day in which he will JUDGE the world in righteousness."
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
taht's hat you think
Eliot says:
So, how will you turn out on that day? Aren't you concerned that you've broken Almighty God's laws?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
that's an opinion
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
no i don't care that ive broken the laws of somebody who doesnt excist
Eliot says:
Yeah, but doesn't it make sense to you? You admitted when we first started talking that you believe in divine justice... that murderers have to be punished somewhere, like Hitler.
Eliot says:
Look, how do you know there's a painter when you look at a painting?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
B'c it exists. The painting didn't just happen. Someone painted it.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
How do you know there is a Creator? B/c of creation. God has given us creation to
Eliot says:
prove His existence.
Eliot says:
How else can you explain how we got this earth?
Eliot says:
And please don't say evolution.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
well there is a good scientific explination called..... evo......
Eliot says:
come on...
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
sooo you believe the human isnt evaluated from a monkey?
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
Eliot says:
no, I don't. Look, we could go around in circles with this one. I'll ask you this... if evolution is true, where did the monkeys come from? You can't have something from nothing>
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
hey tgis is a interesting discusion.... and i want to finish it another time.... but right now it's 3.15 AM and i have to get up early
Eliot says:
fair enough. please consider the claims of the bible. thanks for talking. God bless.
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
yeah god bless
Marcel nieuw nr!!!! 0638441399 says:
good night


Some more witnessing...

Eliot says:

云中鹤 just sent you a Nudge!

Eliot says:
what was that???!!!
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
were you born in China?
云中鹤 says:
云中鹤 says:
are you in east of usa or west of usa
Eliot says:
sorry. my computer locked up.
Eliot says:
southeast. alabama.
Eliot says:
hey, do you want to take my survey?
云中鹤 says:
take my survy
云中鹤 says:
what does it mean
Eliot says:
oh, it means I've got a question for you. okay??
云中鹤 says:
o i was born in china
Eliot says:
What is your opinion on what happens to someone after they die?
Eliot says:
are you there?
云中鹤 says:
they will disappear from the universe
Eliot says:
why do you think that?
Eliot says:
云中鹤 says:
云中鹤 says:
i am thinking how to say
云中鹤 says:
man is a animal
Eliot says:
so, we have no soul? no heaven or hell?
云中鹤 says:
What is your opinion on what happens to animals after they die?
are you there?

云中鹤 says:
i think so
云中鹤 says:
no soul
Eliot says:
you don't believe in heaven?
云中鹤 says:
how do you think
云中鹤 says:
sometimes i believe
Eliot says:
ok. how will you get to heaven?
云中鹤 says:
hah be a better man
Eliot says:
so, do you consider yourself a good person?
云中鹤 says:
are you a student
云中鹤 says:
not a bad man
Eliot says:
yes, are you a good person?
Eliot says:
云中鹤 says:
have you married
Eliot says:
can I ask you a few things to see if that's true?
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
Eliot says:
have you ever told a lie?
云中鹤 says:
of course
Eliot says:
ok. so, what does that make you, if you've told a lie?
云中鹤 says:
all of people tell lies
Eliot says:
I agree, but what does that make you?
云中鹤 says:
if it hurt somebody i fell sorry
云中鹤 says:
you looks like a priest
Eliot says:
ok. you should feel bad if you've lied, right? b/c it's the wrong thing to do. ok, let's move on. have you ever stolen something?
云中鹤 says:
yeah when i am young
Eliot says:
so what does that make you if you've stolen?
云中鹤 says:
fell sorry
云中鹤 says:
why do you ask these questions
云中鹤 says:
you look like a priest
Eliot says:
but, what are you called if you've stolen? If you've lied, you're called a liar. If you've stolen, you're called a ...
云中鹤 says:
anyone wil make mistake
云中鹤 says:
include god
Eliot says:
I agree with you. But, please answer the question. I will tell you in a minute why I'm doing this.
Eliot says:
How about this one: Jesus said that to look at another woman with lust, you've already committed adultery with her in your heart. Have you ever looked with lust? This one got me.
云中鹤 says:
i just can let god forgive me
Eliot says:
so, you've lusted before?
Eliot says:
are you there?
云中鹤 says:
云中鹤 says:
lust i am thinking what dose this word mean
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
oh, I'm sorry. It means, have you ever had an impure sexual thought about another person besides your wife?
云中鹤 says:
o i have not married
云中鹤 says:
have you married
Eliot says:
I've just asked you a few of the 10 commandments, and you've admitted to breaking them. You've admitted to lying, stealing, and adultery in the heart. You have to face God on Judgment Day. If he judges you by the 10 commandments, how will you turn out? Guilty or innocent?
云中鹤 says:
i think if married you should not do like that
Eliot says:
Read my last comment.
云中鹤 says:
innocent if the mistake is not big
Eliot says:
How would you be innocent? You've already admitted to breaking His Laws. You've lied, stolen, and committed adultery of the heart. He will not see you as innocent, will He?
云中鹤 says:
this is a hard question
Eliot says:
I know, it's hard. But, be honest before God and answer it.
云中鹤 says:
u looks like a philosopher
Eliot says:
Please answer the question... it's very important for you.
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
take your time.
Eliot says:
It's not hard, though. You've broken God's Law, so He'll find you guilty, right?
Eliot says:
Let's go through a couple more: have you ever taken God's name in vain?
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
云中鹤 says:
if you fell sorry with the mistakes and the mistakes is not very big ,god can let you be inocent
云中鹤 says:
in china we seldom say god
云中鹤 says:
are you married
Eliot says:
yeah, but try that in a court of law. The judge won't let you go, will He? If you've broken the law, he can't let you go if he's a good judge. God is the Almighty Judge, and He will not let you go free if you've broken His Laws. He will find you guilty on Judgment Day, for the things you've already admitted to doing.
云中鹤 says:
is there nba games in your state
Eliot says:
He has given you a conscience, and you know when you do wrong. Please, let's not talk about nba right now. This is very important.
Eliot says:
If God finds you guilty, He must sentence you to His prison, which is hell. I don't want you to go there, and neither does God.
云中鹤 says:
i think god will not do like that
Eliot says:
Hell is a terrible place. It is a place where "the worm dies not, and the fire is not quenched." It is in the Bible, I'm warning you that it will happen if you don't repent.
云中鹤 says:
that will no person who can go to heaven
Eliot says:
Do you know what God did for you, so you wouldn't have to go to hell for eternity? It's a very loving thing. Do you know?
云中鹤 says:
i fell like you are very afaid of death
云中鹤 says:
any questions
Eliot says:
Do you know what God did for you so you wouldn't have to go to hell?
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
Tell me what God did for you.
云中鹤 says:
he think i am not a bad man ,and he let me go to the heaven
Eliot says:
You're not a good person, you're just like everyone else, and God will punish you on Judgment day for breaking His law. The Bible says, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
Eliot says:
It is dangerous to play around like this. Please be honest with yourself and admit your guilt. God commands all men everywhere to repent.
云中鹤 says:
i accept the punishment
Eliot says:
Believe me, you don't want the punishment. It is hell for eternity. It is called the Lake of Fire in the Bible.
Eliot says:
God doesn't want you to go to hell. Do you have any questions?
云中鹤 says:
so terrble
Eliot says:
I know. Does that concern you?
云中鹤 says:
god is a good man
Eliot says:
He is good, that's why He must punish all sin. The Bible says, "the soul that sins will surely die."
云中鹤 says:
we do not know what the law is when you died
云中鹤 says:
let's talk something else
云中鹤 says:
that is too hard
云中鹤 says:
you have not tell me why you ask these questions
Eliot says:
you know the Law now. It has been presented to you. Plus, God has "written His law on your heart." You know that you've broken it. It is very important. Do you have any questions? God did something for you so you wouldn't have to go to hell, and I would like to share it with you. Do you want to know?
云中鹤 says:
Eliot says:
云中鹤 says:
you make me tired
云中鹤 says:
in when people will die he will ask these questions
Eliot says:
prison break?
云中鹤 says:
云中鹤 says:
have not you seen
云中鹤 says:
you only can speak english?
云中鹤 says:
are u there
Eliot says:
No, look... I don't want you to go to hell, but we've established that. I'm not sure if you're concerned enough to hear the gospel, so you can email me if you have a question. Please consider your eternal destiny. God will punish you if you don't have Jesus Christ on Judgment Day. He made himself into the form of a man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and came to earth 2000 years ago. He took your
Eliot says:
punishment for your sins when he died on the cross for you, so you wouldn't have to go to hell.
Eliot says:
Now, repent of your sinful ways, stop breaking the law, and trust in Jesus for your eternal life. Then, get a bible and start reading it, and obey it. Thanks for listening.


This is some "eVangelizing" I did (is that creative, or just stupid?) in a chat room. I used to just ask people to chat, but this time I asked if anyone wanted to take my "survey" and I feel I got more bites than normal. In a way, it is a survey, so I'm not being dishonest or anything. By the way, I learned this witnessing technique on Way of the sharing your faith effectively and biblically, the way Jesus did. Check it out:

Eliot says:
hi (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
hi how r u (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
good. yeah, ok...
Eliot says:
What is your opinion on what happens to someone after they die? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
are you hindu? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
ok. where did you get that info from? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
what info
Eliot says:
your opinion... reincarnation. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i believ in it and believe there is another life after ours i dont believe we just cark it and tharts it
Eliot says:
ok. fair enough. so, is there a heaven or hell, or do you just come back to earth in another life? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
heaven and if ur good enough they let u stayu if ur bad they send you back (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
here (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
u got a pic
Eliot says:
no, sorry, I don't. ok, a little more on the survey, ok? (E-mail Address Not Verified) sends: (E-mail Address Not Verified) would like to share this background with you. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
yep it doesnt matter (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
ok. so, are you good enough to stay in heaven when you get there, or will you get sent back? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ill get to stay maybe (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
ok, let's find out if you are good, okay? have you ever told a lie? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
yes millions of times
Eliot says:
wow, millions? lol. ok, so what does that make you, if you've lied? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
bad (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i guess
Eliot says:
no, what would you call me if I lied? starts with L.... (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
ever stolen anything? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
and what does that make you? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
a theif
Eliot says:
ok, last one... (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:

Eliot says:
have you ever taken the Lord's name in vain? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
wat u mean
Eliot says:
have you ever used God's name as a cuss word, to express disgust? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
yes (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
am i bad (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
ok, that's called blasphemy, which is very serious, now, I will repeat back to you what you've told me, okay? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
by your own admission, you are a liar, a thief, and a blasphemer. Those are 3 of the 10 commandments, and you have to face God on Judgement Day. How will he judge you if He judges you by these commandments? innocent or guilty? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
guilty i guess
Eliot says:
ok. so, where will you go? heaven or hell, if you're guilty? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Eliot says:
does that concern you? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
yes alot
Eliot says:
it concerns me too, friend. so what are you going to do, on Judgement day? what will you say to God? He has "appointed a day in which he will judge the world...". (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i have been a stupid person and i went a gaingst the 3 that are in the 10 (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
r u religious
Eliot says:
well, yes you are guilty of those 3, but God can't just let you go, b'c you've admitted it. Think of a court of law... if you go to a judge and you're guilty of a crime, the judge can't just let you go. Do you know what God did for you so you won't have to go to hell? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
lie throught the teeth....?
Eliot says:
i don't understand??? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
lol (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
no hell put me in jail]
Eliot says:
yes, God is a just God and should punish all sin, including yours, but he did something for you so you could escape eternal punishment. do you know what he did for you? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
give me life (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
did he
Eliot says:
yes, he gave you life, but you've messed that up, right? You've broken God's Laws. The Bible says that "the soul that sins must surely die." (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ok r u reljgous
Eliot says:
God will "judge the secrets of men." He sees everything you do, and even the hidden sins will be exposed on Judgement day. I'm a Christian, not religious. Aren't you concerned that you will go to hell when he judges you? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
let me ask u have u broken the gods rules
Eliot says:
we all have.
Eliot says:
but He has made a way out for us. Do you know what that is? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
well why am i any different 2 u (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
being baptisef
Eliot says:
You have sinned, just like me. We both deserve eternal punishment for what we've done. We've sinned against a holy, just, eternal God. The Bible says "It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." I don't want you to go to hell for breaking God's Law. Do you? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
no! (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
are u a really holy person]
Eliot says:
I'm telling you He has provided for us a way out. Do you know what he did for you?? Please answer the question, it's very important. I don't want you to be punished for your sins. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
i dont no
Eliot says:
Do you want to be forgiven of your sins and have eternal life? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
yeh (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
u there
Eliot says:
God has done something so wonderful for us, and it's so great that He says not to give this information to just anyone... the person must realize his situation, and that his sins have doomed him to hell. If you want to know what he did for you, just say yes. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
yes (E-mail Address Not Verified) sends: (E-mail Address Not Verified) would like to share this background with you.

Eliot says:
He made himself into the form of a man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and came to earth 2000 years ago. He took your punishment for your sins when he died on the cross for you, so you wouldn't have to go to hell. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
oh yeh
Eliot says:
But, to receive this gift, you must do some things. You've heard this gospel before, huh?

You have failed to receive a shared background from (E-mail Address Not Verified).

You have failed to receive a shared background from (E-mail Address Not Verified).

Eliot says:
The Bible says you must repent of your sins, that is, turn away from them and turn to God and ask for forgiveness. Then, you must trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior, and he will save you from hell. Trust in Him as you would trust in a parachute if you had to jump from a plane. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
bugger of u bible kissn jahovas witness i dont care for bible shit (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
ur a wakjob go kiss gods assEliot says:
I'm not a Jehovah's Witness, I'm a Christian, and you've just heard the precious gospel. Today is the day of salvation for you. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
good on ya you bible kissn wak job
Eliot says:
Ok, look, if you choose to reject Jesus Christ's gospel, you will be condemned on the day of Judgement. If you trample underfoot the blood of Jesus, you will be condemned.
Eliot says:
Please consider this information, it is very important for you. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
no its inportant to you i dont give a fuck
Eliot says:
And if our eyes meet on the Day of Judgement, and you don't have Jesus, your blood is not on my hands.
Eliot says:
God Bless.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Self Identity

The person who opens the Bible and reads about other people is foolish; the person who opens the Bible and reads about himself is wise.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Any "Way of the Master" fans out there?

I'm gonna start studying this stuff in depth, and I would love to have some buddies to study with. Anybody in Montgomery that watches or reads or listens to the show?? Maybe we could start a bible class or something...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

How to Have a Successful Affair?!

Yep, you're right. I just listened to "Way of the Master Radio" and Todd was playing clips of a woman being interviewed (by another woman) about her book on how to have a successful affair. Yes, that's right - an extra-marital affair... a love affair. She was saying things like, "If you're ever confronted, then just deny, deny, deny. Demand evidence, and if they give you evidence, deny that, too." Did I miss something here?????????

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

More Recycled J.M.

"So many times we ask for what we already have! We pray for the Holy Spirit, and He is already here. Have you ever analyzed your prayers? You pray, 'God, give me more love for so-and-so.' The Bible says the 'love of God is shed abroad in our hearts' (Romans 5:5). You say, 'God, I need more grace.' God says that the grace He has already given you is sufficient (2 Chronicles 12:9). You cry, 'O Lord, I need more strength.' The Bible says you 'can do all things through Christ' who strengthens you (Phil. 4:13). 'O God, guide me,' you say. And He is thinking, 'I'm trying. Why don't you follow?' 'God, I need power,' you cry. In fact, you have had power since the Holy Spirit came upon you (Acts 1:8). When will Christians realize that they have everything?"
-- John MacArthur

Man, I needed this teaching.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Recycled J.M.

A lot of what I'll be writing on here will simply be recycled words from someone else who can say it better than I can anyway. I just read a little book by John MacArthur called, "Found: God's Will." You know, it's amazing how wise an author/teacher can be simply by quoting from scripture. The books that make the most sense to me are the ones that have the most biblical references in them (coincidence??? nope). Here is a little quote that MacArthur writes:

"But God's will is that people be saved! And basic to salvation is the recognition of sin. This lays it right at your feet. Either you are not saved from your sin and you need to come to Christ because that is God's will, or you are saved and need to reach others with the message of salvation. There is a world out there that needs Jesus Christ. God wants them to be saved, and you and I are the vehicles for the transportation of the Gospel. That is God's will."

God wants people saved. It makes so much sense to me when you think about it on an eternal level. He wants people saved so they can go to heaven, then He can make their lives perfect. But not now!! Here's another tidbit J.M. writes:

"You say you do not know what God's will is, but I'll tell you what it is. First, that you know Christ and then that your neighbors hear about Christ. That is His will. So often we sit around twiddling our thumbs, dreaming about God's will in some far distant future when we are not even willing to stand up on our own two feet, walk down the street, and do God's will right now."

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ross' Sermon

Our Involvement Mininster, Ross Mitchell gave a sermon today at church. It was about harboring bitterness in our hearts and what the Bible says about it. He had some very intriguing comments in his message. Among many, here are some:

"There are few things that will happen to us that will enable us to exemplify the cross of Christ more than being mistreated."

"Why would you make someone pay for what Christ has already paid for?"

Abraham Lincoln, when he was elected into office, appointed many of his political enemies to high places within in his cabinet. Someone confronted him about it and asked, "Why didn't you crush these people? This was your chance to destroy your enemies." To this, Honest Abe replied, "If I make my enemy my friend, have I not then destroyed my enemy?"

Amazon Book Review

I just read a book review on Amazon, and it had some very insightful things, so I copied and pasted it! Here it is.

Bottom line: Biblical Evangelism is MESSAGE DELIVERY - Packaged in Genuine Love & Concern for the Whole Person Lost in Sin's Darkness. Deliverance. Search & Rescue. Proclaiming unpleasantries. Telling the whole truth. Confronting controversy. Risking offending the one we really care about, like compassionate intervention with an addict to stop her/him from ongoing harm to self & others. Call it CAREFRONTATION. Boldness, availability, genuine love, faithful obedience, courage, Biblical training, Spirit-filling are all we need to share Jesus in life and lips. Lips without life is hit-and-run hypocrisy. Life sans lips is sweet sentiment. Jesus requires BOTH life and lips of effective witnessers for Him. Picture true evangelism like being a cancer-survivor telling people who need to be diagnosed that they too have the deadly disease. They need immediate medical help. Urgent care. Befriending the person and being nice and all, while withholding the dire truth, is no love at all but callous disregard for God, His Message and the Cure of the Cross, Jesus' shed Blood as chemotherapy and miracle treatment of life.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Well, I don't like to think about that stuff."

I was listening to someone share their faith with an unbeliever the other day on "Way of the Master," and Ray asked this guy if he thought about death. He said, "Well I don't like to think about that stuff because it's kind of a bummer, you know?" I just don't understand people who say that. Death is eminent, obvious, eventual, and inevitable. It is the common denominator of the human race. EVERYONE WILL DIE!! Sorry...... But, seriously, shouldn't we at least ponder it sometime?? I think it would behoove us all to ask ourselves the question, "What if?". "What if what the Bible says is true? For that matter, what if Islam is true? Or Hinduism, or Judaism, or Scientology?" It will be a faith builder, for sure. I've delved in it (very shallowly, admittingly) and it does nothing but drive me back to the truth: Jesus Christ.
Back to the unbeliever - this guy's response is equivalent to saying, "Well, I don't like to think about my test tomorrow, because that's kind of a bummer." I say, think about it, and think about it some more (and study, of course). Another common response to the Christian faith is, "Well, I don't believe in that stuff." That's equivalent to saying, "Well, I don't believe in that mack truck that's coming straight toward me while I walk down the middle line on the interstate." What you believe doesn't matter. It's the truth that matters.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Everybody Steps On Raymond

I'm watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" on TBS, and I can't help but see the subtle nuances of a society that has begun the spiral downward. In this sitcom, the man is no longer head of the household. In fact, the very term, "head of the household" almost has a stigma attached to it when you refer to a "man" being the head of the household. In today's politically correct world, you can't assume or expect the man to be the leader of the home. These days, the position is up for grabs - the wife can assume the position just as easily as man can. Ray's wife, Deborah, barks orders at Ray while he cowers in her presence. Even their kids are misbehaving, and instead of invoking their natural instinct to punish the child, Ray and Deborah enroll in classes that are supposedly suited to instruct the parent on how to "discipline" the child. However, their definition of "discipline" is not the same as mine, or the Bible's. They intend to "reason" with a 6 year old child - yes, I just said "reason with a 6 year-old child"- about why she should do her chores. Ok, ok, can I just say here that I'm glad my parents didn't try to "reason" with me and utilize "active listening" when I was a kid???? In fact, I probably could've used even more sessions with the belt or the yardstick-to-the-buttocks. The KJV Bible says in Proverbs 23:13, "Withhold not correction from the child: for [if] thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die." Umm, ok, a clearer translation would be, "Don't fail to correct your children. They won't die if you spank them." Spare the rod and spoil the child. I'll take it further and say that sometimes God causes something to happen in life that is a little bigger than "reasoning with a 6 year-old." We are all like 6 year-olds in God's eyes, and when He tries to reason with us, whether it be through His Spirit, or through His Word, we need to listen, but we don't always follow that formula. Thank God that He doesn't give up after that. He chastens us in order for us to turn around from what we're doing and follow Him again. Take that, "Everybody Loves Raymond."
P.S. I use this sitcom because I think everyone will agree with me when I say that "ELR" is probably the closest thing we have to a normal real-life scenario in the home today. It shows you that the world's plan for family and God's plan is for His children are totally at odds with each other.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Separation from God cont'd

So, do we sin because we are separated from God, or are we separated from God because we sin? I think it's both.
We sin because we don't have the presence of God around us.
As a Christian, I know that God dwells within me (Romans 8:9-11; 1 John 4:13), which makes it very hard for me to willingly want to sin. In fact, we can't live in a continuous life of sin if we're Christians. As Christians, we are called to give our lives as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) and to die to ourselves. As Christians, we are brought back into the presence of God through Jesus Christ. Therefore, God's presence sustains us and allows us to do those things we long to do (Philippians 4:13) for His Kingdom. Without God, those things would be impossible.
When I think about it, that might explain some part of why people in hell have no hope - because hell is a place of eternal separation from God, where God will not go and where man can not escape. If God does not abide in hell, there is no hope of redemption, and no hope of earning your way out. God is the only source of anything good, and without Him, there is a void of good. What do you have when there is a void of good? Hell. Without His sustaining presence, hell is and will forever be an endless cycle of sin.
We don't have the presence of God around us because we sin.
God punishes sin. So, when Adam and Eve sinned, he banished them from the Garden of Eden and put Cherabims and a flaming sword at the entrance (Genesis 3:24). That was their punishment. There was still hope of reconciliation, though. God knows that His creation has an innate longing for the One who created it. God's presence is what will be so splendid and pleasurable in heaven. We will be with God!
Like I've said before, I have no problem with saying that I'm not God. Some people would have a problem with saying that - I've talked with those people. I'm not God, therefore I'm not good, therefore I'm a sinner. God made me with arms, but that doesn't give me license to blame Him if I beat up someone. God gave women everything they need to be prostitutes. That doesn't give them the right to go downtown and stand on a street corner, all the while saying, "We were created that way, so blame God." Yes, we did inherit sin, but we are also responsible for it. "But," you say, "that just doesn't seem fair." To this I answer you as I did earlier. What if it were you in that garden? What if the serpent were talking directly to you, tempting you? Would you persevere? I'll leave it to Paul to wrap it up: "Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous." Romans 5:18,19.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Separation from God

I just finished a book in preparation for sharing and, more importantly, defending my faith in the face of questions and persecution with the coming attraction, "The DaVinci Code." The book is called "Cracking DaVinci's Code." Hopefully this will equip me with some more apologetic ammo. Anyway, in the book, the summary at the end brought up a very interesting notion about sin. We are separated from God by original sin, and not necessarily by our actions in the present. At first, I admit, it almost seemed heretical. Of course, we are to be responsible for our actions, and we can't blame Adam and Eve's original sin for what we do in the here and now. So how can we adopt that concept of sin- that it's not our sin that separates us from God, but the fact that humanity itself is and has been separated from the beginning of time, and is therefore continually apart from God? Well, when I got to thinking about it, it makes sense. I haven't thought it all out, but frankly, the fact that we start out without connection with God when we are born is matched with this concept. We are born into the world with sin in our genes. We start out separated from God, and we can only be reconciled to Him by being perfect, and as we all know, that has not been done (Romans 3:23). So, Jesus comes into the picture and puts His cross over the gap and asks us to "cross His cross" back to Him. Sounds theological to me, but many atheists (or unbelievers) would probably not be too comfortable with this teaching. They would say something like, "So it's Adam and Eve's fault for our being separated from God? That doesn't seem too "loving" to me. We have to pay for someone else's sinning." Well, my answer to that would be- if you were the first human created, would you be perfect? Is that what you are saying, that you would make no mistakes and do no selfish deeds? Hardly... none of us would. That's a big load to bear, being blamed for all humanity's sins. I'm glad Jesus bore it anyway. In my opinion, even if we are separated from God at the start, and continue to sin after that because we aren't close to Him, it seems a rather small price to pay just to admit one's selfish, depraved, sinful self and to cling to God for reconciliation. Let's let Jesus do the work. Then, let's praise Him forever for it.

So I finally gave in

Ok, it was only inevitable that the next step in my cyberspace journey was to create my own blog. After all, I try to keep a personal journal at home, but pen and paper are just so inconvenient... I mean, first there was email, then came facebook after much pressure from my wife, who is a fanatic. Then, of course was myspace, which was more of an effort on my part to create something on my own that was not Ashley's idea (I'm an original, what can I say). So here we are: Eliot's Blogs. Ok, I will quite typing now and realize that I'm basically talking to myself. I'll see you back here soon, Eliot.